
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Standarisasi Survey Struktur Lantai Dasar Bangunan

Tim pemakalah FIT ISI 2013


Danang Budi Susetyo1, Haptiwi Tri Yuniar2, Lufti Rangga Saputra3
1.        Surveyor PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk
2.        Staf Divisi Perencanaan dan Monitoring PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk
3.        Support Engineer PT KESUMA
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Construction is one of the fields that have correlation with survey and terrestrial mapping. In the field of construction, survey work for implementing and applying positions of items in drawing plans. The application of survey in the field of construction requires high accuracy especially in construction structure and architectural structures. Unfortunately until now the research-based development of survey application in the field of the structure is still very slight. This paper carry a topic of the terrestrial survey application in the field of building construction plan for the ground floor based on the convention standards done in the field, starts from situation mapping, pile-points staking out, center line marking (pile cap, tie beam, columns), elevation marking, etc. to establish a building that has a good precision and accuracy in accordance with the drawing plans. The method used in this paper is a case study of construction project of TKBM cs Building owned by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) done by PT. Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk. Through this paper, publication of the terrestrial survey in the National Journal that is not only focused on the theoretical aspects, but are also applicative which is specific for certain areas according to the application in the field are highly expected eventually.
Keywords: survey terestris, konstruksi, struktur, posisi, elevasi

Untuk full paper dari abstrak di atas bisa Anda download di sini. Sedangkan jika Anda berminat mempelajari simulasi dari apa yang ditulis dalam makalah ini, silahkan email ke, dan saya akan kirimkan slide power point yang telah dipresentasikan dalam Forum Ilmiah Tahunan Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia (FIT ISI) 2013 di STPN Yogyakarta, 31 Oktober 2013 lalu.

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